Final ISLA newsletter (#6 Aug-2015)
Dear all,
The final ISLA newsletter, containing a summary of the recent project achievements, is now available from the project website.
The highlights include:
• Thulium fibres with 70% slope efficiency at >100 W output
• Holmium fibres with 75% slope efficiency
• Amplitude modulators and tuneable filters
• Fibre-coupled isolators, pump combiners and low loss taps
• Wavelength-flattened couplers
• Fibre-coupled silicon pulse pickers
• Graphene-based modelockers
• 793 nm diodes >38 W in 105 μm fibre with 0.15 NA demonstrated
• Wavelength stabilised 793 nm diodes with 60% power conversion efficiency.
Although the project finished at the end of Jun-2015, work continues on two micron components and sources.
If you have any questions or ideas for collaboration, please get in touch!
Best regards,
Link to newsletter:
Framework 7
ISLA is supported by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
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