The ISLA project has been extended by nine months, and will now run until 30-Jun-2015. Whilst progress in the project has been good, with some excellent technology development, there have been some delays which have reduced the time available for the final demonstration stage. The consortium hopes that now there will be enough time to […]
ISLA will have an exhibit in the Innovation Village at Photonics Europe 2014 (14-17 Apr-2014; Brussels, Belgium). Several members of the consortium will be there to answer questions on the project.
Gary Stevens (G&H) will also present a paper on, “Fibre laser component technology for 2-micron laser systems” at the conference.
Link to […]
The ISLA project will have a joint booth with the HALO project at the “Laser and Tailored Joining Symposium” hosted by Fraunhofer IWS in Dresden (27-28 Feb-2014).
Gary Stevens from G&H will present on “High power fibre laser components for 2 um applications.”
Today the fourth ISLA newsletter was released, which includes an update on the 79x nm diode development at II-VI Laser Enterprise and the progress at Trinity College Dublin on graphene-based modelockers at 2 microns.
ICT 2013 “Create, Connect, Grow” (06-08 Nov-2013; Vilnius, Lithuania) is a major European Commission event in ICT. More than 4000 researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, industry representatives, young people and politicians are expected in Vilnius. The event will focus on Horizon 2020 – the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for 2014-2020.
There will be […]
ISLA will have a tabletop exhibition space at the 3rd Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and their Applications (WSOF 2013).
28-30 Aug-2013; Sigtuna, Sweden.
Gary Stevens (G&H) will also present a paper on the ISLA devices at this event.
Please drop by if you are at the event!
Best regards,
Bruce Napier.
Vivid Components Ltd.
The third ISLA newsletter is now available from the project website.
Topics include optical isolators for two microns, Tm and Ho fibre development and high power fused fibre combiners.
Please get in touch if you have questions or comments.
Best regards,
A short video describing the ISLA project is now available on YouTube and from the project website.
Check it out!
If you have any questions about the project, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Bruce Napier (
ISLA video YouTube link: