The details of the ISLA workshop in June are being finalised, and the agenda is almost complete.
This free event will be held in Munich on FRI 26-Jun-2015, the day following the Laser World of Photonics exhibition.
Details will be released soon. The event will be split into two sessions with a variety of speakers […]
Dear all,
The ISLA project will finish in the summer of 2015. We will be holding a final workshop on the day following the Laser World of Photonics congress and exhibition (
I.e FRI 26-Jun-2015 (Munich, Germany).
Please save the date!
We hope that if you are attending the World of […]
G&H received a notable prize recently: its “Fiber-Q” product won the IOP Award for Innovation. As the press release states:
“Gooch & Housego are proud to announce that the Fiber-Q was given the prestigious Institute of Physics (IOP) Award for Innovation at a ceremony at the London based Institute in October. The award winning […]
The ISLA project is in its demonstration phase, and there are opportunities for interested in 2 um fibre lasers.
There are components, including optical isolators and fused fibre combiners, which could be available to external organisations for testing.
If you are interested, please get in touch!
Likewise, we would be pleased to hear from […]
Dear all,
The ISLA newsletter #5 has been released, with items on high power testing of Gooch & Housego isolators and combiners, modelocker development at Trinity College Dublin and rare earth fibre fabrication at Southampton ORC.
And we are still on the look-out for end users interested in 2 um fibre lasers!
Please get in […]
ISLA is now in its final year, and has entered the demonstration phase.
The consortium has decided to use real industrial applications to test the ISLA two micron fibre lasers on representative commercial operations.
We will be contacting several organisations that have made both suggestions for testing and offers to supply parts for the demonstration.
The ISLA project has been extended by nine months, and will now run until 30-Jun-2015. Whilst progress in the project has been good, with some excellent technology development, there have been some delays which have reduced the time available for the final demonstration stage. The consortium hopes that now there will be enough time to […]
ISLA will have an exhibit in the Innovation Village at Photonics Europe 2014 (14-17 Apr-2014; Brussels, Belgium). Several members of the consortium will be there to answer questions on the project.
Gary Stevens (G&H) will also present a paper on, “Fibre laser component technology for 2-micron laser systems” at the conference.
Link to […]
The ISLA project will have a joint booth with the HALO project at the “Laser and Tailored Joining Symposium” hosted by Fraunhofer IWS in Dresden (27-28 Feb-2014).
Gary Stevens from G&H will present on “High power fibre laser components for 2 um applications.”
Today the fourth ISLA newsletter was released, which includes an update on the 79x nm diode development at II-VI Laser Enterprise and the progress at Trinity College Dublin on graphene-based modelockers at 2 microns.