ISLA workshop preliminary agenda
The details of the ISLA workshop in June are being finalised, and the agenda is almost complete.
This free event will be held in Munich on FRI 26-Jun-2015, the day following the Laser World of Photonics exhibition.
Details will be released soon. The event will be split into two sessions with a variety of speakers from industry and academia:
2 um fibre laser technology
Speciality fibres for 2 um
Passive and active components for 2 um fibre lasers
Modelockers based on graphene
Pump lasers at 79x nm
CW, ns- and ps-pulsed 2 um fibre lasers
2 um fibre laser applications
Surgical applications
Dental applications
Cultural heritage applications
Plastics processing
2 um for MIR frequency conversion
Telecoms applications
Pumps for mid-IR supercontinuum sources
Free space communications
The event will end with a discussion session entitled, “A roadmap for 2 um fibre lasers”
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Places are limited, so if you would like to attend this free event, please contact Bruce Napier
Framework 7
ISLA is supported by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
ISLA Consortium Site
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