ISLA final workshop advance notice FRI 26-Jun-2015 Munich, Germany
Dear all,
The ISLA project will finish in the summer of 2015. We will be holding a final workshop on the day following the Laser World of Photonics congress and exhibition (
I.e FRI 26-Jun-2015 (Munich, Germany).
Please save the date!
We hope that if you are attending the World of Photonics event, you can stay an extra day for what promises to be an extremely interesting workshop.
The details are yet to be confirmed, but the agenda will cover technology developments from the project, and a wide selection of presentations from external end users of two micron lasers. Subject to confirmation this will include manufacturing, medical and aerospace applications.
Please let me know if you’d like to attend this free event.
Indeed, if you would like to give a presentation, please get in touch; the agenda is still flexible!
In the meantime, on behalf of all the ISLA partners, I wish you a happy Christmas and a healthy New Year!
Best regards,
Framework 7
ISLA is supported by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
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